About Us

From The Desk Of Chief Patron

Education is an ointment that heals the wounds of illiteracy and ignorance of Mankind. Education not only teaches us to be self-dependent and self-sulficient, but it teaches us to be kind and considerate, be able to differentiate between the good and the evil and be just, as well. The main objective of education would then necessarily boil down to the fact that it teaches one to become a better human being, in all respects, in all walks of life. Nonetheless, education provides us the power, the determination, the grit to learn the basic needs to sustain life in a distinguished way. Many intellectuals like Swami Vivekanand and Dr. Radhakrishnan have given clear concepts as regards real education. But it is sad to notice that the essence of education is still amiss. It is over-shadowed by the influence of many anti-social and anti-national elements.
A much-needed change in the education system is required to revolutionize the whole scenario for the betterment of the society in general.
I am proud to claim that our institution has established a proper and genuine system of education so as to make it universal to all. Our students are given an exposure to both spiritual as well as intellectual awareness.
I hope this prospectus shall provide perfect guidelines to Parents and students to enter the periphery of our high-profile institution.
Thank you for your kind support.

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Bhitirawat, Sahjanwa, Gorakhpur ( U.P. ) Pin-273209