
The Target

The Target Slab would ensure that the student now gets the right direction for the career he wants to take ultimately. Qualified and professional teachers from different arenas of the required fields would train the students for their competitive necessities at the national and international to boost them morally for their target achievement.

The Growth

Here we undertake to develop the knowledge base, intelligence quotient (I.Q.) and personality of the students. They will be taught in small groups, learing co-ordination, delegation of responsibilities and leadership qualities. Class demonstration methods, vocabulary enrichment, self-studies, projects and reference work techniques would be employed. At this stage, while most schools are just driven by the board requirements, we would strive to take an in depth analysis, to cover the entire subject comprehensively to prepare the student for his/her final effort for success.

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Bhitirawat, Sahjanwa, Gorakhpur ( U.P. ) Pin-273209